Monday, October 28, 2013

Mantle Monday - Ready for Halloween!

Preparing for Halloween, my 7 year old helped me decorate the mantle this weekend, or maybe I was helping her.  Based on her pumpkin snowman, I believe she may already have Christmas on her mind!!

Some produce from the farm stand, a piece of Mommy's art, a sparkling orange and black boa, and of course a little bit of self-adhesive bling!  And the Vampire Queen is happy! and the rock star, and Cleopatra (depending on the event).

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sketching Romaine

"romaine lettuce studies" watercolor sketch 9"x12"

As I struggle through an allergic haze today, precious little has been accomplished!  And, in passing moments of clarity I am frustrated by this as I have a pile of art assignments needing my time and attention.

So instead of staring blankly at a wall (or FB) I cracked open my trusty sketchbook and painted before I ate lunch... focusing on the romaine leaves as they were an infinitely more interesting subject than the tuna salad!  

Happily, this shook me out of my haze long enough to get a few things done.