The other morning I was struck by the beauty of the crisp clear blue sky as I went for a run. A gorgeous blue sparkling in contrast to the bright, fluffy white clouds. That color got stuck in my head for days. It is a color, when paired with white, that seems to announce summertime!
Azure. Cerulean. Lapis Lazuli... ok, I know, too light to be Lapis but that name is lilting and magical, and I just had to use it.
I have been collecting, noting, snapping photos of this color everywhere...
Bright and playful in a park.
Making a lively theater ensemble.
even an ordinary hydrant becomes charming.
and a fabulous garage tucked away just leapt out at me.
Not sure yet how I will be using this color, but it is certain to show up in something new as it swirls in and around me.